education program

Since 1991, Beacon House has become an educational asset in Edgewood, demonstrating year-after-year that our students can and will achieve success in school and beyond. Our flagship Education Program provides more than 150 youth annually with academic support including homework help and one-on-one and group tutoring in reading, literacy, math and science. For our older students, our programming includes college and career readiness.  

Programs are led each afternoon by Beacon House’s Youth Development Mentors and volunteers from local colleges and the community.  Beyond support with school assignments, Youth Development Mentors and volunteers help students master crucial skills and concepts through hands-on projects, educational games and supervised access to educational software online.

In addition to academic programming, our Education Program also provides enrichment activities. Through enrichment students participate in hands-on science experiments, DIY projects, cooking lessons that teach healthy eating, sports competitions, performance and visual art activities, and cultural activities. Along the way they build 21st century skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, leadership and social skills 

program partnerships

The Education Program collaborates with highly-regarded like-minded organizations to form program partnerships, which expand our capacity to provide academic support for our students.