A group of young black school girls, smiling and posing for a picture together along a railing in a school environment Kayleigh, a young girl, doing her homework looking at a camera Slide BRYCE Banner Image - lInked to youthmentalhealthdc.com Slide

our mission and vision

The mission of Beacon House is to promote the academic advancement and personal growth of children in Washington, DC’s Edgewood neighborhood. We envision a future where children in Edgewood become empowered lifelong learners who achieve their greatest potential.

Beacon House provides afterschool education and youth development services to nearly 400 children, ages 5-18, annually. We are located in the Edgewood Commons affordable housing complex, in Ward 5 of the District of Columbia, where the average household income is $20,000 (Enterprise Community Development.) Our programs focus on closing the education achievement gap – and thus improving the economic trajectories – of children in Ward 5 for whom generational poverty is most persistent.


our values

Students and Families First

We foster an environment in which children feel safe, physically, and emotionally, and in which they feel they can be themselves.  We treat children and families ethically and with respect. We place the needs and interests of the children and families we serve at the center of all our decision-making.


We strive to foster a community that promotes caring, meaningful relationships, fosters a sense of belonging, and encourages children to achieve academically and reach their greatest potential.

 Saving and Changing Student Lives

The lives of the children we serve matter, and we believe that all things are possible for them with the right guidance, encouragement, and support from caring adults. We understand that our role in providing safety and opportunity for children in Edgewood has never been more vital.


The relationships we build with children and families, and the trust that we earn in the process, are critical to our ability to advance our mission. Our commitment to consistency and reliability must be sustained over time for us to earn and maintain trust.  We fully embrace our responsibility to be reliable to the children and families we serve, and to one another.


We meet children and families where they are, at their individual points of need. We solve problems in ways which are tailored to the specific circumstances of the children and families involved.

join our community

It takes a community to support our students along their educational journey. Each of us has a role to play toward the success of our youth. Please click a link below to learn, donate or get involved.
years in operation
years in operation
percent of our HS seniors enroll in college or trade school
percent of our HS seniors enroll in college or trade school

news & stories

November 2023 Newsletter

What’s inside: gratitude and reflection from our Executive Director; an in-depth profile of Beacon House alum Sevin Beasley; 13U Falcons as they travel to Florida to compete in the National Championship game; an update on our academic and leadership programming, and a preview of our Giving Tuesday campaign.

featured story

Learn24 2023 Grants Award

September 2023

Beacon House selected as Award Recipient once again for the District of Columbia’s Out-of-School Time Programming.